Wisdom Tooth Extractions West Palm Beach

When It’s Time to Make Space

The third molars, more commonly known as the wisdom teeth, usually start to come in around the ages of 17-25. For most people, this can lead to problems because they simply don’t have enough room in their mouth for these teeth, which can lead to pain, crowding, and even an infection. At Palm Beach Dental Excellence, we’ll keep an eye on your wisdom teeth so that we can extract them before they cause you any problems, and when it’s time for them to come out, we can handle the procedure right here in our dental office. If you or your teenager need help to determine if wisdom tooth extractions in West Palm Beach are the next step, call to schedule an appointment.

Why Choose Palm Beach Dental Excellence for Wisdom Tooth Extractions?

  • Most Advanced Dental Technology Available
  • We Will File Insurance Claims for Maximum Reimbursement
  • Two Forms of Sedation Dentistry

Do My Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Removed?

Illustration of an impacted wisdom tooth pressing against the adjacent teeth

Contrary to popular belief, the wisdom teeth do not automatically have to be removed. The only time our team will recommend a wisdom tooth extraction is if they are:

  • Decayed and unable to be restored with a filling
  • Impacted (stuck) in such a way that it is damaging nearby teeth
  • Impacted and causing an infection to the bone and gums
  • Causing pain necessitating their removal
  • Erupted in a manner that is interfering with the proper alignment of the patient’s bite

You have the option of having the teeth removed in our dental office under local anesthesia and nitrous oxide sedation and/or anti-anxiety medications, or you can be referred to a trusted oral surgeon.

The Wisdom Tooth Extraction Process

Dentist and assistant performing wisdom tooth extraction

Removing one or more wisdom teeth requires much experience – something Dr. Asinmaz has. If the tooth has erupted even partially, we can use the appropriate instruments to raise it up and gently remove it from its socket. Because it will still be attached, we may need to apply pressure to move it back and forth until it detaches, but you should feel no pain.

If the tooth is beneath the gumline and impacted, a more invasive approach must be taken. We will need to make a small incision in the gums so that we can expose the tooth. Begin careful not to damage the bone, we may need to separate the tooth into pieces and remove each one until the entire wisdom tooth is no longer in the socket.