Digital Dental Impressions West Palm Beach

Faster, Better, & Easier Dental Care

If you’ve ever had a traditional impression made, you probably recognized pretty quickly how uncomfortable it was to breathe, speak, or swallow while you waited for it to form. Some people with gagging issues even put off having necessary dental work because of them.

Let’s face it – goopy impressions just don’t feel right. They’re bulky and messy, and even with so many potent flavors to choose from, it can be difficult to convince yourself you’re enjoying your time. Traditional impressions are also prone to leaving wiggle room around the teeth (making them less accurate), and waiting for each impression to form can seem like it is taking forever!

Did you know that traditional dental impressions with their signature “goop” feel now have a more efficient, accurate, and comfortable alternative? With digital dental impressions at our West Palm Beach dental office, you won’t have to worry about drooling during a lengthy and awkward process because it’s entirely goop-free!

Benefits of a Digital Dental Impression System

Dentist capturing digital dental impressions of a patients teeth

Digital impressions allow practitioners to create a cutting-edge, highly accurate replica of the gums and teeth. Best of all, a digital scan takes just seconds to complete. It means less time in the chair for you as a patient with the most accurate impression we can achieve mess!

More benefits include:

  • Better-fitting restorations are possible with the improved impression quality. A better fit means longer-lasting restorations.
  • No mess, which means less stress and a shorter wait time for the impression to form.
  • Patients who have a sensitive gag reflex can relax. No gagging!
  • For patients with dental anxiety, a digital image is far less stressful than a traditional impression.
  • There won’t be a need to remake an impression. It's done right the first time.
  • With a digital workflow, we can save these digital models for any future use. Let’s say you chipped one of your front teeth. Since we have the file saved, we can replicate any restoration to the exact dimensions.
  • Digital models allow us to see the changes in your dentition over time. We can see problem areas that have changed or stayed the same as well as make decisions on whether to intervene with treatment or monitor further.
  • Patients can feel better educated about their dental health since their virtual impression can be observed on-screen in full color.
  • Faster turn-around time for cases requiring laboratory work. Cases are digitally transferred, allowing you to complete treatment quickly.

When it comes down to digital impressions versus traditional impressions there isn't a debate. Digital impressions have revolutionized the way high-quality dentistry is being delivered. and we are happy to be one of the few providers that can offer this technology to patients. 

Will I Need a Dental Impression?

Dentist gesturing to a screen showing a digital impression of an arch of teeth

Dental impressions are one of the most (if not the most) critical phases in delivering high-quality restorative dentistry. Because digital impressions are more effective, accurate, and comfortable than the traditional alternative, the technology allows us to provide better service in just one appointment. It can also provide faster solutions with greater accuracy.

Should you require a digital impression, we will give you a tour of your dental health, as the virtual image of your teeth can be easily reviewed in detail on our chairside screen.