Sedation Dentist West Palm Beach

Helping Nervous Patients Enjoy Dental Office Visits

Do you put off making appointments to see the dentist because of fear or nerves? Dental phobia is one of the biggest reasons why many people avoid going to the dentist, even if they struggle with a toothache or dental pain. With sedation dentistry in West Palm Beach, Dr. Asinmaz can comfortably restore your optimal dental health and take away the anxiety you may feel from visiting the dentist!

Sedation dentistry from Palm Beach Dental Excellence has changed the way patients walk into our dental office, allowing them to have the peace of mind that they won’t feel any discomfort and that they’ll be taken care of in every way possible.

Sedation dentistry can help patients overcome their dental anxiety and relax during routine and complex dental treatments. To find out how sedation dentistry may benefit you, call our dental office to discover if it may be right for you.

Why Choose Palm Beach Dental Excellence for Sedation Dentistry?

  • Two Forms of Sedation Available
  • Compassionate Dental Team That Remains by Your Side
  • Dentist Who Listens & Provides 1-on-1 Attention

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Two buttons on a machine one labeled O 2 and the other labeled air

Nitrous oxide, which is also known as “laughing gas” since it can put you in a euphoric state, is the most common type of dental sedation. It’s often a great choice for patients with mild to moderate dental anxiety because it requires little to no preparation, and there’s no recovery time to worry about afterward. Most patients can safely get nitrous oxide, so don’t hesitate to ask about this sedation option the next time you call our office to schedule an appointment. 

Who Is a Good Candidate for Nitrous Oxide?

Woman in dental chair smiling while listening to her dentist talk

Nitrous oxide can be an excellent option for patients who:

  • Experience anxiety, fear, or overstimulation when visiting the dentist.
  • Are afraid of needles or are resistant to getting numb.
  • Have trouble sitting still in the dental chair for long amounts of time.
  • High dental sensitivity or a strong gag reflex that can get in the way of dental care.

It’s important to note that some patients might not be good candidates for nitrous oxide sedation. In particular, pregnant patients should not have it done because there is a risk of fetal harm. It’s also not a good option for people who are currently suffering from sinus congestion or respiratory disease. Be sure to let us know about any medications you’re taking; some might interact badly with the sedative.

How Does Nitrous Oxide Work? 

Woman in dental chair relaxing with nitrous oxide mask over her nose

Nitrous oxide is mixed with oxygen and is administered through a small mask placed over your nose. The effects kick in after just a minute or two, at which point you should start to feel very relaxed. You won’t be unconscious, so you’ll be able to answer your dentist’s questions and follow their instructions; you can also let them know about your comfort level so that they can make any necessary adjustments.

Once you stop breathing in the sedative, you will only need to wait a few minutes for the effects to fully wear off. Once that happens, you’ll be able to drive yourself home or return to work.

Aftercare for Nitrous Oxide

Smiling woman leaning back in dental chair

Nitrous oxide doesn’t require much aftercare. You will need to stay in our office until we’re completely sure that the effects have worn off, but that will only take a few minutes at most. After you’ve recovered, you can return to your normal routine without delay.

It should be noted that the above only applies to the effects of the sedative. Depending on the kind of treatment you received, you may be given additional recovery instructions. Make sure that you follow these instructions to the letter, and please let us know right away if there’s anything that you don’t understand. 

Oral Conscious Sedation

Person holding two pills and a glass of water

Oral conscious sedation is commonly used for patients with mild to moderate dental anxiety. Slightly stronger than nitrous oxide, it is administered as a prescribed pill that you will take before your appointment. Although you will remain conscious throughout your visit, you will feel calm and relaxed while being undeterred by your surroundings. The type of medication you receive will be dependent on your medical history, which you will discuss with Dr. Asinmaz beforehand.

Sedation Dentistry FAQs

Can Dental Sedation Make Me Sick?

It is quite rare to feel nauseous with nitrous oxide sedation. Because oral conscious sedation is stronger than nitrous oxide, there is a slightly higher risk of nausea. Just to be safe, your dentist will likely recommend that you don’t eat for a few hours before your procedure. If you have trouble skipping meals, you may want to schedule your appointment in the early morning. If you are prone to feeling nauseous, simply let your dentist know and they can adjust accordingly.

What Are the Risks Associated with Sedation Dentistry?

Even though sedation dentistry in West Palm Beach is safe for most patients, it can still present risks for some people. Those with obstructive sleep apnea or who are taking certain medications might be more likely to experience complications with sedation. Also, keep in mind that everyone reacts differently to sedatives and the medications that are used during a dental procedure. It’s completely normal to experience a few side effects after being sedated, such as nausea, headache, and grogginess. They may last for several hours following the procedure.

Is Sedation Dentistry Covered by Insurance? 

Since sedation dentistry is considered a “luxury,” it’s typically not covered by dental insurance providers. Of course, there are some exceptions. If the procedure is especially complex or you have a disability that makes it impossible to receive the necessary care you need without it, then coverage may be available. If you aren’t familiar with your benefits, that’s okay. Our team will be more than happy to help you navigate your plan and understand the cost completely.

Am I a Good Candidate for Sedation Dentistry? 

If you experience dread or severe anxiety at the idea of going to the dentist’s office, you might benefit from sedation dentistry. Putting off oral care due to fear will only allow minor issues to worsen and become serious problems. You might also be a good candidate if you have low pain tolerance, a sensitive gag reflex, or difficulties sitting still or holding your mouth open for prolonged periods. If you’d like to get extensive dental work done in one visit, dental sedation can make for a more comfortable experience. Your dentist will go over your medical history and list of medications beforehand to find out if sedation is right for you.