Clear Aligners West Palm Beach

Your Path to a Straighter Smile with Clear Aligners

Clear aligners from our West Palm Beach cosmetic dentist are just one example of the amazing technology that is currently available in dentistry. Using a series of clear, removable aligners to move the teeth, our team at Palm Beach Dental Excellence can develop an orthodontic treatment plan that ensures your pearly whites shift into the positions we want them to be in. Let us know how we can help so that you can live life with a straighter, healthier, more beautiful smile.

Why Choose Palm Beach Dental Excellence for Clear Aligners?

  • Dentist Who Cares About Creating Beautiful Results
  • Your Dental Insurance Benefits Maximized
  • Clear Aligners Designed by Clearly Orthodontics

How Do Clear Aligners Work?

Close up of a woman placing a clear aligner over her teeth

We will take impressions of your teeth and create a virtual model that will be used to plan your tooth movement. We can show you what your teeth look like before we start and what they will look like once your treatment is complete!

Every two weeks you will wear a new set of aligners until the treatment is finished and your teeth are firmly in their new location.

For most patients, our team will need to see you every 6 weeks to make sure the teeth are moving as planned. A minor case can take as little as 10 weeks to complete, and more complex cases can span over a year. The majority of patients using clear aligners are done after approximately 5-9 months of treatment time.

Are Clear Aligners Right for Me?

Hand holding a clear aligner in West Palm Beach

You want to avoid metal braces, but you are unsure whether you are eligible to receive clear aligner treatment. Capable of addressing minor forms of overcrowding, gapped teeth, and bite misalignment (i.e., overbite, underbite, crossbite, and open bite), your dentist will need to evaluate the status of your smile to determine whether these clear aligners will be enough to generate the results you desire.

The only way to know for sure is to schedule a consultation with a member of our team. From there, we can prepare a treatment plan that indicates which type of orthodontics your smile needs to achieve better alignment.

Clear Aligners Vs. Traditional Braces

Teenage girl with glasses holding a clear aligner

Clear aligners are a much more comfortable alternative to braces because they don’t use wires to straighten the teeth. Traditional braces have metal brackets and wires that need to be tightened, which can also poke through and hurt your gums and lips.

Clear aligner patients also don’t have to worry about all the food that typically gets stuck in traditional braces or the constant cleaning braces require to maintain healthy teeth and gums. With clear aligners, you can eat whatever you want. Simply remove the aligner, eat and drink what you desire, pop in the tray, and away you go (after brushing your teeth, of course!).

Issues Clear Aligners Can Fix

Illustration of a lower arch of crooked teeth

If you are thinking of straightening your teeth, it is most likely because you are not happy with the way they look. They are either too crowded or there are spaces that you wish were not there. While correcting these issues will no doubt result in a nice smile, there are other reasons to consider clear aligners.

  • Crowded teeth make it hard to practice good home hygiene. These areas trap plaque and increase the incidence of tooth decay and/or periodontal disease (gum and bone loss). Eliminating crowding by straightening your teeth will allow you to take better care of yourself at home.
  • Crowding and spacing will get worse with time. If you are not happy with the way your teeth look now, it’s likely that you will not be happy with the way they look in the future. This is because crowding and spacing issues progress and will worsen with time. The sooner you intervene, the shorter the treatment time will be as compared to waiting until it is “really, really bad.”

Understanding the Cost of Clear Aligners

Person placing a clear aligner over their upper teeth

Even if you’ve had your heart set on clear aligners for a while now, chances are you have some concerns about the price tag attached to the treatment. Our team wants you to have all the facts before you make any major decisions regarding your smile. That’s why you can find some information below that can help when you’re budgeting.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Clear Aligners

Dentist showing a clear aligner to a patient

Because each patient’s smile is unique, and each treatment is so intricate, there is no fixed cost of clear aligners in West Palm Beach. We can’t even give you an accurate cost estimate until Dr. Asinmaz has had the opportunity to review your specific case and plan out your treatment. The most influential factor that affects how much this form of treatment costs is the number of aligners you’ll need to wear, which varies based on:

  • The complexity of your case – Naturally, it takes more time (and more aligners) to straighten extensively crooked teeth than it does to fix minor orthodontic flaws.
  • Whether you’re straightening one or both arches – Most patients need to wear aligners on both their upper and lower teeth throughout their treatment, but that’s not always the case. If you only need to align one arch, your overall costs will be lower.
  • Your compliance with our treatment instructions – Your treatment could end up taking longer (and being more expensive) if you don’t wear the aligners as directed, lose an aligner, or don’t attend regular progress visits.

Professional Clear Aligners or “Do It Yourself” Trays: Which Costs More?

Dentist holding a clear aligner in front of a patient

If you’ve been interested in straightening your teeth, then you may have heard about mail-order clear aligner kits that let you handle most of the treatment at home. Although they tend to cost much less than those provided by a trusted dentist, some risks come with aligning your smile without the supervision of a trained dental professional. For example, making a tiny error when capturing impressions for the aligners can result in your teeth shifting in ways you were not expecting. In that case, you might end up needing to have the issue corrected by a dentist in West Palm Beach. As you can expect, this would be much more expensive than simply seeing us in the first place! With the oversight of Dr. Asinmaz, you can rest easy knowing your treatment will be safe and effective every step of the way.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Clear Aligners?

Person swiping their payment card in dental office

Dental insurance will provide partial coverage for clear aligners in some cases, but not always. For instance, even if your plan includes orthodontic coverage, it may only apply to traditional braces or patients under the age of 18. Our team understands that dental insurance can be difficult to navigate, which is why we’ll help you maximize your benefits. We accept all PPO dental plans, so no matter your policy, you can look forward to saving at our practice!

Options for Making Clear Aligners Affordable

Man sitting at desk using laptop

We believe that a straight, healthy smile should be within everyone’s reach, which is why we’re happy to offer affordable financing through CareCredit for patients who need it. Once you’ve been approved, you can break up your costs into monthly payments. Depending on the specific payment plan you choose, you might have extremely low or even zero interest rates!

Clear Aligner FAQs

Am I Too Old for Clear Aligners?

Clear aligners are perfectly suited for adults, as the aligners are nearly invisible and will minimally interfere with your everyday life. Clear aligners will enhance your smile and self-confidence, and you will have teeth that are in ideal positions for better at-home care that will help you keep them for a lifetime.

How Long Do Clear Aligners Take?

While there is an average timeframe of 12-18 months with clear aligners, the ultimate amount of time you can expect to wear these trays depends on a few unique factors:

  • The severity of your overcrowding, gaps, or bite misalignment
  • The number of trays you will need to complete treatment
  • How committed you are to the process of wearing your trays 20-22 hours each day
  • Whether you lose one of your aligners or accidentally damage one

No two patient cases are the same, so while you might only need to wear clear aligners for 14 months, your friend might need to wear them for a few additional months. One thing is certain, though. You must commit to the process if you want to see finalized results in a shorter amount of time than you would with traditional braces.

Do I Need to Wear a Retainer After Clear Aligners?

Wearing a retainer after completing clear aligner treatment is necessary. Your teeth are not yet integrated into their new location, which means that without some form of retention, they can move back into their original spot. This can undo countless hours of hard work and mean thousands of dollars were spent for nothing. Once finished with aligners, you must commit to wearing your customized retainer according to the timeframe provided by our team.

Initially, you can expect to wear your retainer all of the time. But after several months, you may be able to switch and wear it only at night while you sleep.

Can I Be Treated with Clear Aligners If I’ve Worn Braces in the Past?

This is a question that many patients have, especially those who wore traditional braces as a teenager. Time passes, retainers are worn less and less, and teeth begin to slowly shift out of alignment. Knowing whether you can pursue clear aligners requires meeting with your dentist to discuss your options. In most cases, if the problem is only minor, you will likely be able to move forward with clear aligners. However, if your bite is too far off, the only viable solution might be traditional braces once again.