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Your Dental Implants Can Last a Lifetime with These 5 Tips

February 29, 2020

Happy older couple with dental implants in West Palm Beach

If you’ve restored your smile with dental implants in West Palm Beach, you’ve made a great investment in your smile! Since they replace your missing tooth or teeth both above and below the gumline, dental implants offer a more functional, lifelike, and durable solution than other replacement options. What’s more, they’re designed to last for decades with the proper care. Here are some easy ways you can help your dental implants last a lifetime!

Practical Ways to Care for Your Dental Implant

Your dental implants are made of titanium posts and porcelain crowns, and are fused securely into your jawbone. While these all come together to make an extremely strong restoration, your dental implants are still susceptible to some damage, and in rare cases, even failure. To keep your new smile healthy and intact, follow these simple tips:

  • Keep up your great dental routines: While the dental implant itself is resistant to plaque and bacteria, the gum tissue that surrounds it is not. Regular brushing and flossing will keep your gum tissue healthy and your implant firmly in place.
  • Avoid abrasive dental products: Brushing with a hard-bristled toothbrush or abrasive toothpaste is bad for both your dental implants and your natural teeth. These abrasive products can scratch away at the surface of your dental implants and potentially injure them.
  • Seek treatment for bruxism: Grinding your teeth in your sleep is a condition known as bruxism. The excess pressure can wear away at your dental implants and damage them, so talk to your dentist about treatment options like a custom nightguard.
  • Stop smoking: Chewing or smoking tobacco products makes it more difficult for your gums to heal, which leave them vulnerable to infection and gum disease. This bacterium can make its way to the jawbone and start attacking it, which threatens the success of your dental implant.
  • See your dentist regularly: Regular dental checkups and cleanings are a keep part of keeping your whole mouth healthy. They also allow your West Palm Beach dentist to catch and treat any issues with your dental implants as early as possible.

Dental implants are a reliable, functional tooth replacement option that’s designed to last for decades. With the proper care, you can enjoy a beautiful, functional, and healthy smile that lasts your whole life!

About the Author

If you’re missing one tooth, a few teeth, or all of them, Dr. Mihran Asinmaz of West Palm Beach, FL can rebuild your smile and your confidence with dental implants. Thanks to his advanced training, he can preform every step of the dental implant process and personally ensure that you’re receiving the most effective and comfortable care possible. Once your smile has been restored, he’d be happy to help you keep it beautiful and functional for years with regular dental checkups. If you have more questions about caring for dental implants, feel free to contact him via his website or at (561) 640-9200.