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Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

August 8, 2014

Dental implants are the best solutions to replace non-restorable (badly decayed) and missing teeth. It is without question one of the greatest advances in dentistry. The joy that a patient experiences after years of wearing removable dentures to finally having a full compliment of teeth is one of the more rewarding aspects of my job. This is just one example of the beauty of dental implants. I have other examples listed here for more answers regarding implant services we can provide you.

I want to focus this blog post on the elephant in the room, the cost of dental implants. For many, the cost of the implants becomes the limiting factor in why they do not want to go through with the procedure. From my experience, here is what typically goes through the mind of someone who thinks the cost of dental implants are cost prohibitive:

  • 1) Is there a cheaper alternative?
  • 2) Is there someone who will do it for cheaper?
  • 3) Is this really something that is going to impact my life that much?
  • 4) OK. So how much is it? How am I going to pay for this?

Answers to Questions about Dental Implant Costs

1) Alternatives to Dental Implants

Depending on the case, there may be a cheaper alternative, such as bridges and removable dentures. I am in the dental profession to provide the highest quality of service to my patients. I believe the dental implant fits this criteria. But I will always go over the available alternatives with every patient so we can make the best decision.

2) Dental implants are a highly specialized surgical procedure. They require extensive training and equipment investment. So why does it seem like the cost can vary so much? I have seen the advertisements on TV for the $499 implant myself!

  • All clinicians are not created equal.
    • Understanding the engineering and complexities of implant dentistry is not something taught in dental school. This is acquired through many hours of additional training, dedication and desire to provide the best service. I can say I am fortunate to provide these services because I love dentistry, especially implant dentistry.
  • All implants are not created equal.
    • Just like you can buy different “grades” of granite for your kitchen countertops, there are different “grades” of titanium that are used in the fabrication of dental implants. Maybe for a kitchen or bathroom you could compromise on the quality of the materials. When having a surgical procedure that is going to last a lifetime and is being placed inches from your brain, do you want to be using low-grade titanium in your implant? I will not allow the use of anything but grade 1 (the best) titanium on myself or my patients.
  • All practices do not provide the same level of service.
    • I see many patients who come in for dental implant consults who had seen a previous dental practice, but still have many questions and concerns. In other words, the practice failed to take the time to answer these for the patient. This is not a guessing game. There is no reason you should not have all your questions or concerns addressed prior to any medical or dental procedure.

Cheap costs of implants that are advertised also can be misleading in that the fees for the other procedures that are needed in conjunction with the surgery are usually greatly inflated.

Another important point I would like to make here is be sure you are comfortable with the office you are having the implants placed. Does the office feel like it is high-volume like a rotating wheel of patients coming in and out? What happens if there is a problem with the implant? Are they going to accommodate you immediately? Are you going to be charged again should something go wrong?

3) “You don’t know what you don’t know”. One of the best phrases I have ever heard! Dental implants will change your life positively. You will be able to chew food normally and cosmetically it will look beautiful. You will be happy you did.

4) In our office, the price of dental implants start are $1,850. This does not include any possible bone grafting procedures. There will be an additional fee to restore the implant with either a crown, bridge or denture depending on the restorative treatment plan.

Convenient payment plans through CareCredit is an option to help you have the work done in our office and fit into your budget. Click here for more details.