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Top 4 Tips for Enjoying the Holidays with Invisalign

November 26, 2021

woman in holiday sweater smiling pointing to clear dental tray

While sights of snow-covered rooftops for Santa’s sleigh may just be a fantasy in our part of the country, the holiday season is here in full force. It’s a busy time of year for most people, and that can make it difficult to stick to your routines – whether that’s your exercise regime or your Invisalign treatment plan. But staying on track couldn’t be more important for reaching your goals! Keep reading for tips on how to enjoy the holidays without losing all the progress you have made with Invisalign in West Palm Beach. 

#1: 20-22 Are the Magic Numbers

It can be tempting to ditch your Invisalign aligners for that holiday party or big NYE date, but doing so could delay your treatment. Remember that you need to be wearing the trays for 20 to 22 hours per day, removing them only to eat, drink, and brush your teeth. Fortunately, Invisalign is very subtle – chances are no one will even notice you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment even when you are wearing the aligners. 

#2: Don’t Accidentally Ditch Invisalign

Speaking of removing the clear trays to eat and drink, don’t wrap them up in a napkin and set them beside your plate. This is one of the most common ways that folks end up digging through the trash can later. It’s too easy to toss those wrapped-up aligners without realizing what’s inside the napkin. 

The good thing is that it’s easy to avoid this one – simply use the case that Invisalign comes with for storage! Pop the clear trays inside the sturdy case to keep them safe every time you eat, drink, or brush your teeth. 

#3: Brush and Floss After Every Meal and Snack

Because Invisalign fits snugly against your teeth, it is easy for food and bacteria to get trapped on or between teeth and accelerate decay. To keep your pearly whites healthy while they shift into the proper alignment, make sure you brush and floss after every meal and snack. It’s especially important during the holidays when so many sweet treats are within quick reach.

#4: Don’t Drink (or Eat) and Invisalign

You may think a quick sip of eggnog or a small bite of your favorite holiday treat would be ok, but eating or drinking anything while wearing your Invisalign aligners can spell big trouble for your treatment plan. It may take a few extra seconds, but removing your trays will help prevent them from warping due to hot temperatures or losing their shape from biting down with too much force. This will ensure that they continue to put pressure in the right spots to gradually move your teeth into the proper position. 

Keep these four things in mind before your next holiday party or gathering, and you’ll be heading into the New Year on track with your Invisalign treatment plan. 

About the Author

Dr. Mihran Asinmaz is the dentist West Palm Beach counts on for quality dental care. He earned his Doctor of Dental Medicine at Nova Southeastern University and continues to stay up-to-date on modern treatments like Invisalign through routine continuing education. Learn more about Invisalign or call the practice to make an appointment at (561) 640-9200.