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Mihran Asinmaz, DMD

Save Your Smile with Dental Implants in West Palm Beach

July 24, 2019

Dental Implant

You were enjoying a friendly game of football with some friends when an accidental blow to the face caused your tooth to be knocked out. You went to the dentist as soon as possible, but unfortunately it doesn’t look like a replantation will be possible. What do you do now? Some patients might cut their losses and live with the empty space – not realizing that this decision could actually cause even bigger problems later. Here’s why replacing missing teeth with dental implants in West Palm Beach is more important that you think.


Modern Advancements for Dental Implants in West Palm Beach

June 12, 2019

Dental Implants

In many cases, dental implants can be the best option available for replacing missing teeth. However, like with any other dental appliance, their success depends on the tools employed in the procedure. Fortunately, dental technologies and techniques have come a long way in the past decade; here’s how they can help your dentist design and place dental implants in West Palm Beach.


Why Receiving Dental Implants in West Palm Beach Can be Complex

April 15, 2019

older woman smiling blonde hair

If you’ve been living without your teeth for any period of time, you don’t have to continue along this path, because dental implants in West Palm Beach provide an avenue for you to finally be fully restored. Before you undergo the procedure, though, you’ll first need to undergo a thorough examination. Here are some of the issues that could potentially complicate things.


Dental Implants In West Palm Beach Look So Natural, No One Will Know

March 18, 2019

Model of an implant in the lower jaw

Tooth loss affects more than your oral health: it also impacts your self-confidence. That’s why the way a replacement option looks is just as important as the way it functions. One of the most common questions many people have about dental implants in West Palm Beach is whether they’re noticeable or not. You’ll be glad to know that part of why implants are so popular is their discreet, natural appearance (and the fact that they won’t “slip” during a meal or conversation like dentures can). In this blog, you’ll not only find out how implants work but also learn about the many cosmetic benefits they offer. Find out more below!


3 Ways to Combine Dentures and Dental Implants in West Palm Beach

February 5, 2019

couple hugging smiling

Are you missing multiple teeth? Would you love to get dental implants but think you can’t because you have full or partial dentures? The truth of the matter is that you can still enjoy all the benefits of dental implants even with full or partial dentures by combining the two. After all, dental implants address your missing teeth beneath the surface, and dentures provide the aesthetics on top. They can complement each other perfectly! Here are 3 ways you can combine dentures and dental implants in West Palm Beach to restore your full smile in every possible way.


The Smile of Your Dreams with Dental Implants in West Palm Beach

January 2, 2019

older woman smiling white hair

If you’ve been living with missing teeth for any period of time, then you’re ready to make some positive changes in the new year. A local dentist says the best way to do it is with dental implants in West Palm Beach. Read on to learn how the process can provide you with a dazzling smile that will leave you eager to pose for pictures and enjoy life to the fullest!


Dental Implants In West Palm Beach Offer A Superior New Smile Solution

December 3, 2018

Older man smiling.

Life gets difficult when you don’t have full confidence in your smile. You rely on a healthy set of teeth to help you make a good first impression, to carry on a conversation with a close friend, and to fully enjoy your favorite meal. For all these reasons and more, it’s important to know all your options when determining how to best go about replacing lost teeth. Considering investing in dentures or dental implants in West Palm Beach? Here’s what your local dentist needs you to know.    


West Palm Beach Dental Implants Eliminate Risks of Missing Teeth

November 14, 2018

smiling person with dental implants

While no one gets excited about a missing tooth, that gap can seem pretty harmless, especially if it’s in the back of your mouth. You may see no reason to rush into replacing the tooth with West Palm Beach dental implants unless chewing is difficult or the gap impacts your smile. Unfortunately, more serious consequences lurk below the surface when patients put off replacing missing teeth. Avoid those risks by learning what happens when you leave those gaps for too long.


Restore Your Oral Health With Dental Implants in West Palm Beach!

July 9, 2018

Computer graphic of a dental implantIt goes without saying that losing even just one tooth can affect the appearance of your smile, as well as your self-confidence. But you may not realize how it impacts your oral health in other ways! Every tooth works together to help you speak with ease and chew a variety of foods in a healthy diet. In addition, a full complement of teeth gives your face structure and support, so missing teeth can affect the overall aesthetics of your face as well. Unfortunately, all of these unanticipated consequences come together to really impact your overall quality of life. The good news is that modern dentistry has a solution that looks and feels so natural that you might forget you ever lost teeth to begin with: dental implants in West Palm Beach. Learn more about how implants work and why they’re such a wonderful replacement option in this blog!


3 Things to Look for in a Cosmetic Dentist in West Palm Beach

June 28, 2018

woman with beautiful smileCosmetic dentistry is more popular than ever — after all, a beautiful smile is a timeless accessory that complements any outfit. If you are unhappy with the way your teeth look, you may be thinking about visiting a dentist in West Palm Beach who offers cosmetic services. But how can you be sure that you’re choosing someone who will give you the gorgeous results and top-quality care that you deserve? Here are three things to look for when you’re ready to embark on your smile makeover journey.
