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Mihran Asinmaz, DMD

Dental Emergency in COVID-19? Skip the ER & Call Your Dentist

April 16, 2020

visit a dentist near me instead of this emergency room

Do you know where to get urgent care for a broken or knocked-out tooth? Many people spend unnecessary time and money taking their dental emergencies to the ER instead of looking for an “emergency dentist near me.” However, to keep yourself safe from COVID-19 and ease the load on the overwhelmed health care system, it’s more important than ever to know where to turn when your smile needs immediate help. Get the care you need while also protecting yourself from the coronavirus by avoiding the ER and calling your West Palm Beach emergency dentist first.


Sedation Dentistry – A Way to Receive the Dental Care You Need!

March 9, 2020

woman relaxed medicated with sedation dentistry in West Palm Beach

If you’re in need of restorative or cosmetic dental care, is your dental anxiety preventing you from receiving treatment? If so, you’re not alone, as nearly 30 million Americans are currently dealing with the same difficulty. The good news is that sedation dentistry provides a way to remove this barrier so you can receive the expert care you need and desire. Read on to learn more from a dentist in West Palm Beach!


Your Dental Implants Can Last a Lifetime with These 5 Tips

February 29, 2020

Happy older couple with dental implants in West Palm Beach

If you’ve restored your smile with dental implants in West Palm Beach, you’ve made a great investment in your smile! Since they replace your missing tooth or teeth both above and below the gumline, dental implants offer a more functional, lifelike, and durable solution than other replacement options. What’s more, they’re designed to last for decades with the proper care. Here are some easy ways you can help your dental implants last a lifetime!


Which of Your Favorite Celebrities Have Dental Implants?

February 13, 2020

film reel and clapperboard

Tooth loss can be devastating for some people, because they don’t feel they can ever regain the look and function of their smile. If you’ve ever looked at the TV and felt a burning sting of jealousy at actors or actresses on the red carpet’s smiles, you may be surprised to know that those beautiful results are attainable, even for you. Dental implants in West Palm Beach are the closest tooth replacement option to your natural pearly whites. With this advanced treatment, you can improve the overall quality of your life and no longer feel jealous about all of your favorite TV and movie stars. Read on to learn which of your favorite celebrities has dental implants and how you can start your journey towards a beautified smile.


Considering Dental Implants? Here’s How a Bone Graft Can Help!

December 16, 2019

dental implant

You’ve been missing teeth for a while, and you’re just about sick of it. As a result, you have begun considering getting dental implants in West Palm Beach. You consulted your dentist about it, but they said you first needed to get a bone graft. Although it might sound like this procedure needlessly adds time until you can receive your new teeth, it’s an investment that’s truly worth it. Continue reading to learn more about how getting a bone graft can help your dental implants thrive.


Want to Make Your Smile Ready for the Holidays? Consider Cosmetics!

November 28, 2019

A group of people celebrating.

When the holidays season is near, you’re likely thinking about which gifts you want to get for the family, which dishes you’ll need to bring to your workplace’s potluck, and which extended family members will be able to visit this year. However, have you ever stopped to think about the photos your family is going to want to take, both in front of the Christmas tree and when you least expect it? When that does happen, you’ll want to make sure your smile is camera-ready! If you find yourself hiding your smile more than showing it, consider cosmetic dentistry in West Palm Beach!


Are You Unsure of How to Get the Most Out of Your Insurance Benefits?

October 12, 2019

With only a few months left before 2019 ends, there’s probably a lot you’re trying to accomplish before the clock strikes midnight on December 31. From holidays to work projects to your child’s classroom parties and your own weight loss goals, it’s likely your plans for improving your oral health aren’t sitting too high on your end-of-the-year priority list. But a dentist in West Palm Beach explains why it should be, especially if you don’t want to be one of the millions of people who lose hundreds, if not thousands, in unused dental benefits.


Porcelain Veneers or Invisalign – Which is Better to Fix Your Smile?

September 10, 2019

attractive young woman inserting invisalign

When you look into the mirror, are you greeted by smile blemishes? If so, you may be wondering what can be done to upgrade your appearance. There are two effective methods of cosmetic dentistry available to help out: porcelain veneers and Invisalign in West Palm Beach. So you can get a better idea about which is better for you, a local cosmetic dentist explains what each procedure is better suited for. With the right information and action, you can soon have the smile of your dreams!


If You’re Wearing Dentures, Here’s When You Should Replace Them

August 10, 2019

older attractive woman smiling

For people missing an entire set of teeth, traditional dentures provide a way to eat many of the foods they like and to have a more appealing smile. However, like anything in life, they can become worn over time. How long should you expect your dentures to last, and what indications of failure should you be on the lookout for? As you continue reading, you’ll find the answer. Additionally, discover why dental implants in West Palm Beach are an even better option for restoring your smile!


Save Your Smile with Dental Implants in West Palm Beach

July 24, 2019

Dental Implant

You were enjoying a friendly game of football with some friends when an accidental blow to the face caused your tooth to be knocked out. You went to the dentist as soon as possible, but unfortunately it doesn’t look like a replantation will be possible. What do you do now? Some patients might cut their losses and live with the empty space – not realizing that this decision could actually cause even bigger problems later. Here’s why replacing missing teeth with dental implants in West Palm Beach is more important that you think.
