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4 Reasons Why Adjusting to Implant Dentures Is Easy

May 9, 2022

mature man laughing with implant dentures in West Palm Beach

One of the most effective and long-lasting methods for replacing missing teeth is implant dentures. Not only will they provide support to your teeth and jawbone like traditional ones, but they can also stop the progression of any facial changes due to tooth loss. But how do they compare when it comes to the adjustment period? Read on to learn four ways implant dentures are much easier to get used to than traditional ones!

Reason #1: Talking Feels Natural

Many patients experience difficulty when learning to speak with their new dentures. They have to grow accustomed to moving their mouth when saying certain words or phrases. This can sometimes affect the restorations and move them out of place, especially if they’re ill-fitted. Implant dentures are directly attached to metal posts embedded in your jawbone, meaning they won’t slip or fall. You’ll be able to speak as naturally as with your real teeth.

Reason #2: You Won’t Have Food Limitations

While traditional dentures will allow you to eat most foods, it can sometimes be difficult to chew with them. Implant dentures, however, can restore the majority of your biting power. This means you can enjoy your favorite meals as well as munch on tougher foods without any worries! You can also be more capable of maintaining a balanced diet in the long run.

Reason #3: Cleaning Them is More Comfortable

Denture patients have to remove their restorations to properly clean them. This can lead to mild discomfort, as their gums can become sore after wearing their replacement teeth. And if they use adhesives, it can become more troublesome to clean their mouth. Since implant dentures are attached to the jawbone, you won’t feel any extra pressure on your gum line or any remaining teeth. This can make your cleaning routine a much smoother and more comfortable process.

Reason #4: You Can Enjoy Them Immediately

Most people take time to get used to traditional dentures, which may require a few weeks or more. With your implant-supported ones, you’ll be able to use and enjoy them right after leaving the dental office. You won’t have to take the extra time to learn how to use your restorations, and they’ll feel like you have your permanent teeth again!

Implant dentures provide the ultimate support and comfort for replacing missing teeth. On top of having your full smile again, you can expect an improved overall quality of life for years to come.

About the Author

Dr. Mihran Asinmaz received his dental doctorate from Nova Southeastern University. He’s also a member of several organizations including the American Academy of General Dentistry and the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. He regularly pursues continuing education to stay on top of the latest advances in dentistry. He provides multiple comprehensive dental treatments—such as implant dentures—to help you restore, achieve, and maintain your best smile! If you’d like to know more about implant dentures, visit his website or call 561-640-9200.