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Dental Advice for a Tooth-Friendly National Coffee Day

August 3, 2024

Close up of a cup of coffee with heart-shaped latte art

National Coffee Day is September 29 for the US and Canada. If you love a good cup of joe in the mornings or afternoons, you’re probably excited to celebrate at your favorite café! But maybe you’re also aware that coffee can have some not-so-ideal affects on your teeth. Is there a way to enjoy this holiday in a tooth-friendly way?

Fortunately, there is. Keep reading for some National Coffee Day dental advice.

Coffee Qualities to Be Wary Of

Before diving into solutions, it’s a good idea to review what exactly can make lattes and mochas harmful for your teeth. Essentially:

  • High sugar content increases your risk for tooth decay and gum disease. Sweet treats taste great, but will accelerate bacteria growth in your mouth, which can be extra-dangerous if you don’t have a consistent oral hygiene routine to mitigate build up.
  • Acidic drinks and foods wear down enamel. This is the outer layer of your teeth responsible for shielding the more tender portions from bacteria and tactile sensations. When it weakens, you might experience dental sensitivity and are more vulnerable to conditions like tooth decay.
  • Staining won’t result in a dental emergency, but it can be annoying! Surface-level stains can often be treated with a professional teeth whitening – deep stains, on the other hand, are tougher to eliminate. It’s simpler to avoid this potential headache in the first place with some careful mindfulness.

Examples of “careful mindfulness” practices are coming in hot, so don’t lose heart just yet!

How to Enjoy National Coffee Day Safely

Overall, it’s probably best to limit your coffee intake. Drinking a pumpkin spice cold brew every morning will start to take its toll on your teeth. However, this is about celebrating National Coffee Day. The assumption is that you’ll have at least one cup! Reduce your coffee consumption in the days leading up to this holiday, and follow these tips:

  • Drink your chosen brew through a straw to limit direct contact with your teeth.
  • Munch on plenty of fibrous vegetables, like broccoli and carrots, to stimulate saliva production and help keep your pearly whites clean.
  • Rinse your mouth with warm water when you’re done, so loose pigments and sugars will wash away down the sink.
  • Go easy on the sugary additions. Fall is a delightful time for enjoying fun coffee flavors, but you don’t need seven different syrups in your cup!

To really keep your teeth happy and healthy during National Coffee Day, you can also schedule a cleaning appointment with your dentist in the following days. With their professional skills and tools, they’ll help prevent negative effects from lingering on your precious pearly whites!

About the Dentist

Dr. Mihran Asinmaz earned his Doctor of Dental Medicine from Nova Southeastern University. He puts an emphasis on staying up-to-date with the latest dental technology and helping patients stay on top of their dental care. If you’d like to know more about how to protect your pearly whites from coffee or other similar beverages, Dr. Asinmaz would be happy to talk with you! To contact his office, call 561-640-9200.