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4 of the Most Common Oral Health Conditions Around the Globe

August 11, 2023

Children from Africa demonstrating their good oral health with smiles

It’s easy to get caught up in your daily life and forget about issues outside of your sphere. Oral health affects everyone. There is a very robust dental sector in the United States that can treat a wide range of oral health conditions, but what about everywhere else?

Continue reading if you’ve ever been curious about the most common oral health conditions that reach all corners of the world.

1. Dental Caries

The number one most common condition affecting billions of people every year is dental caries. This is the technical term for tooth decay which comes from bacterial plaque that accumulates on your teeth.

This plaque is acidic and feeds on sugars, whether added during processing or naturally present in honey, syrup, and fruit juice. Widespread access to these sugars and a lack of fluoridated water in some countries have made tooth decay an ever-growing issue.

2. Periodontal Disease

It’s no surprise that the number two spot behind cavities is occupied by gum disease. The same bacteria that eats away at your teeth can also affect your jaw and the surrounding tissues. This can cause redness, irritation, swelling, and pain.

The CDC estimates that one billion people suffer from periodontal disease every year. This is 19 percent of the entire adult population of Earth.

3. Tooth Loss

If periodontal disease is left untreated, it can begin to loosen the gums around your teeth. This can lead to complete tooth loss as the tissues that hold your teeth in place become weak and infected.

Losing teeth can be hard on the mind and spirit, not to mention the potential it has for limiting your options for eating food. Tooth loss can also misalign your teeth over time and cause your jawbone to deteriorate. It’s a condition that continues to escalate the longer it goes untreated.

4. Noma

While not common in the United States, Noma is a severe gangrenous disease of the mouth and face. It mostly affects young children who are malnourished, affected by disease, living in poverty, or who have weakened immune systems.

Noma has been found in sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and Asia. It starts as a sore on their gums. It then develops into necrotizing gingivitis that destroys soft tissues and further progresses to involve the hard tissues and skin of the face.

The disease can leave those it affects permanently disfigured. This is why Noma is known in the global health community as “the face of poverty.”

No matter where you live, these conditions affect people worldwide. Whether it’s something as simple as a cavity, or as devastating as Noma, oral health is of great importance all around the globe.

About the Author

Dr. Mihran Asinmaz is a proud member of the West Palm Beach community where he has been a dentist for many years. Dr. Asinmaz stands at the forefront of dental education, spending countless hours in continuing education to improve his skills to better serve his patients. To schedule an appointment at Mihran Asinmaz, DMD, call (561) 640-9200 or visit the website for more information.