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November 14, 2018

smiling person with dental implants

While no one gets excited about a missing tooth, that gap can seem pretty harmless, especially if it’s in the back of your mouth. You may see no reason to rush into replacing the tooth with West Palm Beach dental implants unless chewing is difficult or the gap impacts your smile. Unfortunately, more serious consequences lurk below the surface when patients put off replacing missing teeth. Avoid those risks by learning what happens when you leave those gaps for too long.


July 9, 2018

Computer graphic of a dental implantIt goes without saying that losing even just one tooth can affect the appearance of your smile, as well as your self-confidence. But you may not realize how it impacts your oral health in other ways! Every tooth works together to help you speak with ease and chew a variety of foods in a healthy diet. In addition, a full complement of teeth gives your face structure and support, so missing teeth can affect the overall aesthetics of your face as well. Unfortunately, all of these unanticipated consequences come together to really impact your overall quality of life. The good news is that modern dentistry has a solution that looks and feels so natural that you might forget you ever lost teeth to begin with: dental implants in West Palm Beach. Learn more about how implants work and why they’re such a wonderful replacement option in this blog!


June 28, 2018

woman with beautiful smileCosmetic dentistry is more popular than ever — after all, a beautiful smile is a timeless accessory that complements any outfit. If you are unhappy with the way your teeth look, you may be thinking about visiting a dentist in West Palm Beach who offers cosmetic services. But how can you be sure that you’re choosing someone who will give you the gorgeous results and top-quality care that you deserve? Here are three things to look for when you’re ready to embark on your smile makeover journey.


May 15, 2018

thin white porcelain veneer shellsDoes the condition of your teeth matter? Studies show that of the people you meet, one-third will notice your smile before anything else. That means that if you have flaws like crowding, crookedness, gaps or slight misalignments, you could make a poor first impression. Thankfully, there is a simple and effective solution with porcelain veneers in West Palm Beach. As you continue reading, you’ll learn how the process for attaining smile perfection works!


March 23, 2018

woman with questionsI strongly believe that patients shouldn’t just pick the first West Palm Beach dentist that pops up when they do a Google search. Finding a dental care professional who fits your needs and who will genuinely care for you as a person is worth the time and effort it takes to research your options. To help you in your search for the ideal dentist, I’ve listed some questions to ask yourself when you’re weighing your choices.


November 12, 2017

dental implantsYou might have heard horror stories about dental implants failing, but those incidents are the exception to the rule. Dental implants actually have a very high success rate. While the exact success rate depends on which study you consult and the criteria for defining “successful” implants, the overwhelming trend is that these tooth replacements work marvelously. You might wonder, though, exactly why are dental implants in West Palm Beach so successful?


October 30, 2017

illustration of a dental implantIf you are missing one or more teeth, I know one thing for sure — you are ready to have them replaced. Most people know dental implants are one option following tooth loss, but they may be wondering whether or not they are a viable candidate for the replacement option. If that sounds like you, keep reading to find out more about what it takes to be eligible for dental implants in West Palm Beach.


October 11, 2017

If you are unhappy with the way your teeth look, you’re not alone. Many people have the desire to improve the shape, size and color of their teeth. And why wouldn’t they? Smiling has been linked to healthier living, success in the workplace and increased self-esteem.

If you have damaged, chipped, discolored, crooked or uneven teeth, a non-invasive, permanent solution is Porcelain Veneers. Don’t know exactly what they are? No problem! We’ll break down the process and tell you everything you need to know. (more…)

July 21, 2017

We use the most advanced technology to better patient outcomes and provide the most comprehensive, high-quality care available. That’s why we use Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) imaging to help identify, treat, and reverse serious dental diseases.

Using this powerful form of x-ray imaging, we can provide our patients with 3D imaging services that have a variety of benefits, as compared to traditional imaging techniques. Read on, and learn more about the cone beam imaging services available at our office. (more…)

June 20, 2017

So let’s pretend you are someone who has always wanted a nice smile. You’ve had consultations with a dentist (maybe several), asked friends, done some Google researching. But it’s information overload!

Anyone who is looking to improve their smile should know there are many different treatment options available today that I like to use to deliver not only beautiful, but healthy and functional smiles. Because of the options available, I will go through the treatment options available and discuss the pros and cons to help make sense of the choices we have. (more…)