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Are You Unsure of How to Get the Most Out of Your Insurance Benefits?

October 12, 2019

With only a few months left before 2019 ends, there’s probably a lot you’re trying to accomplish before the clock strikes midnight on December 31. From holidays to work projects to your child’s classroom parties and your own weight loss goals, it’s likely your plans for improving your oral health aren’t sitting too high on your end-of-the-year priority list. But a dentist in West Palm Beach explains why it should be, especially if you don’t want to be one of the millions of people who lose hundreds, if not thousands, in unused dental benefits.

If You Don’t Use It, You Lose It

How much have you accrued toward your deductible this year? Is it $5, $250, or maybe $500? No matter the number, the moment you say goodbye to 2019 and hello to 2020, your deductible, annual maximum, and any other unused benefits disappear. If you’re unsure what that means, when you look at your coverage on January 1, you’ll see $0.00 next to your deductible and yearly maximum. Why? Because dental benefits don’t roll over.

Dental insurance companies bank on individuals not using all their dental benefits, which is why billions are lost and returned to the insurance companies each year! To prevent this from happening to you, here are a few things you should consider before the year is up:

Don’t Forget Your Second Checkup and Cleaning

So, you made sure to schedule a regular dental appointment earlier in the year but haven’t gotten around to your second visit. This is a problem. Most insurance companies generate their policies around preventive care. They want patients to seek treatment before problems arise, which is why in most situations, general checkups and cleanings with your West Palm Beach dentist are covered at 100%. These regular visits to your dentist’s office can do several things:

  1. Allow you to keep your teeth and gums clean now instead of waiting until you can afford it later
  2. Prevent problems from developing in the future
  3. Make it possible for you to pay almost nothing for quality dental care

Those three reasons should be enough to have you dialing the phone to schedule your second appointment right now.

Don’t Let Your Deductible Go to Waste

Your dentist just told you that you need a dental crown. While this might not be the most exciting news, if you’ve met your deductible, it is your opportunity to improve your oral health and save money. How is that possible? Because once you’ve met your deductible, your insurance company pays more of the bill. That means, you can get more expensive treatments and procedures and keep more money in your wallet! Otherwise, if you wait until 2020, not only will you start from the beginning to reach your deductible, again, but as a result, you’ll pay more for the procedure.

With so many people forgoing their dental insurance benefits each year, don’t allow yourself to fall into the same trap. Make your oral health a priority, get the most out of the coverage you’re already paying for, and save your money. Maybe in 2020, you can spend that cash on a boat you’ve always wanted instead of a costly dental procedure!

About the Author
Dr. Mihran Asinmaz and his team want you to achieve a happy, healthy smile. Understanding that dental work can be a costly venture for most patients, he accepts major PPO insurance plans that allow you to see the dentist of your choosing. It is important for you to remember that dental insurance is a private arrangement between you and your insurance company. As a courtesy to you, we will file your claim, handle all the paperwork, and help you get maximum insurance benefits. To find out more about our services and how we can help you, contact us at (918) 203-6368.