If you suffer from temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD), you are likely very familiar with at least a few of its painful symptoms, including jaw stiffness and soreness, migraine headaches, and even neck and back pain. But while the best way to treat your TMD is under the care of a trained dental professional, there are still many things you can do to manage your discomfort at home. Here are a few tried and true tips for reducing TMD pain, and why if you have TMD problems, your dentist should be your first line of defense.
What is Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMD)?
Temporomandibular joint dysfunction, or TMD occurs when the joint that connects your jaw to your skull becomes misaligned. This can result in the jaw making a popping or clicking sound when you open your mouth and can even be pain free. In many cases, however, it can be extremely painful, causing jaw soreness, stiffness, headaches, upper body muscle aches, tinnitus (ringing of the ears), and even difficulty opening and closing your mouth to eat or speak.
How is TMD Treated?
There are many ways to treat TMD. In fact, most patients’ treatments involve a mixture of several different therapies, which can include a mandibular orthotic device, orthodontics such as braces, massage therapy, physical therapy, and jaw exercises. Here are a few you can try in the comfort of your own home:
Relaxed Jaw Exercise
- Resting your tongue on the roof of your mouth behind your upper front teeth, let your teeth come apart and relax your jaw muscles.
- Open your mouth to a comfortable size and repeat the exercise.
Goldfish Exercise (partial opening)
- Placing your tongue on the roof of your mouth, put one finger in front of your ear near where your temporomandibular joint is located.
- Placing your index or middle finger on your chin, drop your lower jaw halfway, and then close it.
Goldfish Exercise (full opening)
- Pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth, place a finger on your temporomandibular joint and another on your chin.
- Relax your jaw and open your mouth.
- With your tongue in place, open your mouth fully, close it, and then repeat six times daily.
Chin Tuck
- Either seated or standing, push your shoulders back and your chest up.
- Pull your chin straight back and downward, towards your chest, giving yourself a double chin.
- Hold this position for three seconds. Repeat ten times.
Resisted Opening of the Mouth
- Placing your thumb under your chin, slowly open your mouth and push carefully against your chin for resistance.
- Hold this position for three to six seconds, slowly closing your mouth after each repetition.
- Repeat ten times.
Resisted Closing of the Mouth
- With one hand, squeeze your chin with your index finger and thumb.
- Placing gentle pressure on the chin, close your mouth.
- Repeat ten times.
Side-to-Side Jaw Movement
- With a ¼ inch object like a tongue depressor between your teeth, slowly move your jaw from side to side.
- Hold each movement for two to three seconds, repeating ten times on each side.
Forward Jaw Movement
- Placing a ¼ inch object between the front teeth, move your bottom jaw forward so your bottom teeth are in front of the top ones.
- Hold this position for two or three seconds on each side; repeat ten times.
If you are interested in trying any of these exercises, speak to your dentist first to make sure they are appropriate for your treatment plan. If you have any questions or concerns, or if your TMD pain worsens, contact your dentist as soon as possible for help.
About Dr. Asinmaz
Dr. Mihran Asinmaz is proud to earn his patients trust, respect, and confidence in all aspects of their care. Whether you need an exam and cleaning, a smile makeover, or you are in pain and need help treating your temporomandibular joint dysfunction, the team at Palm Beach Dental Excellence can help.
To take back control of your smile and lessen the damaging effects of TMD pain, please contact our office for a consultation by visiting our website or calling us today at 561-640-9200.